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Saturday, March 8, 2025

How did Eastern City of Southfield: Precinct Southfield City 00013 residents vote in 2020 Presidential Election?

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U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | Wikipedia

U.S. President Joe Biden & Former U.S. President Donald Trump | Wikipedia

As we approach the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, a review of the 2020 voting patterns in Eastern City of Southfield: Precinct Southfield City 00013 can provide valuable insights. In the contest between Donald J. Trump and Joe Biden, 1,137 of the 1,446 residents cast their ballots, resulting in a 78.6% turnout, according to the Michigan Secretary of State.

The voting breakdown in Eastern City of Southfield: Precinct Southfield City 00013 reveals 26% of the total supporting Republicans, and 73.7% of the votes for Democrats, highlighting the precinct's political preferences.

Overall, 309 registered voters in Eastern City of Southfield: Precinct Southfield City 00013 did not vote in 2020.

Additionally, an estimated total of 1,558 residents were reported to be aged 18 or older in Eastern City of Southfield: Precinct Southfield City 00013, according to the last US Census and the 2021 American Community Survey.

The Michigan Secretary of State oversees all aspects of the state's elections, working to ensure secure and accessible voting, as well as an accurate certification of election results.

2020 Voter Participation in Eastern City of Southfield: Precinct Southfield City 00013
NameBirthdateAddressVoted/Didn't Vote
Aaron Cornell Roberson01/01/199617215 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aaron Cornell Roberson01/01/196417215 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aaron Friedman01/01/199817322 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aaron Hillel Eis01/01/199117098 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aaron Lee Whigham01/01/197717567 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aaron Ronnie Daniel01/01/197416042 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aaron Samuel Newman01/01/198617290 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aaron T. Gilliam01/01/199317275 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Abraham Benedid01/01/197817116 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Abraham Friedman01/01/199917322 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Abraham Isaac Benjamin01/01/200225801 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Abraham Itzchok Smith01/01/197325572 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Abraham Jacob Katz01/01/199516960 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Adeana Exie-andrea Graves01/01/199617193 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Adina Rachel Brown-Weisbart01/01/198317060 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Adriane Nicole Roberson01/01/199817215 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Adrianne Genelle Holland01/01/196017260 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Aharon Elchonen01/01/198225612 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aharon Gedaliah Cooper01/01/198117256 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ahmed Ali Muthleb01/01/192825660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ahuva Rachel Ishakis01/01/199717190 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ahuvah Tarmar Traube01/01/198217184 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Akin Mugabe Berry01/01/198217173 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Alaina Patrice Holmes01/01/198917580 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Alan Lowell Johnson01/01/197517275 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Albert Brian Chance01/01/196417333 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Alex Rogers Kimbrough01/01/196325451 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Alexander Eugene Smith01/01/198224650 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Alexander Shor01/01/194725660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Alexandria Lena Vaughn-Powe01/01/199417718 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Alice Berlin01/01/193217347 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Alice R. Kelley-Booker01/01/194717285 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Alicia Ann Smith01/01/195525859 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Alicia Tracey White01/01/196417248 Mount Vernon St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Alison Renee Huston01/01/199424635 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aliza Esther Newman01/01/199125132 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aliza Miriam Lerner01/01/197717207 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aliza Shaindy Storchan01/01/199025123 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Allan Harold Silverman01/01/193217331 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Allen Terrence Manley01/01/195517724 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Allene Elizabeth Stewart01/01/196525230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Allyson Marie Denomie01/01/199324620 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Alma Dotson Miller01/01/194925021 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Almond Johnson01/01/194617718 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Alter Zvi Klausner01/01/199825260 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Alton D. Todd01/01/194417240 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Alvin David Eaton01/01/196317135 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Didn't Vote
Alvin Lynn Hardy01/01/195517664 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Alyce Maria Thompson01/01/196924820 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Alyssa Melane Gipson01/01/198724015 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Amanda Meredith Berlin01/01/199817517 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Amauri Jeremiah Hardy01/01/199825410 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Amber Oneal Neyland01/01/197417307 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Amelia Secilia Boyd01/01/199917736 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Amy Michelle Greenstein01/01/196917089 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ana Gabriela Mendez01/01/199617438 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Andrea Joy Pennington01/01/195925720 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Andrea Lynise McKinney-Banks01/01/197117738 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Andrea Snoddy Roberson01/01/196517215 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Andrea Winnifred Scanlon01/01/197417400 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Andrew Christopher Dawson01/01/197425044 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Andrew Hathaway Brezzell01/01/197117264 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Andrew J. Weil01/01/196717160 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Angela Denise Allen01/01/195817220 Robert St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Angela Denise Clark01/01/197817215 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Angela Jessie-Lawson01/01/196624331 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Angela Lynette Copeland01/01/197524501 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Angela Marie Rozier01/01/196524217 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Angela Teresa Enoch01/01/196017315 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Angelina Marcella Johnson01/01/197524615 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Anita Jordan01/01/194817240 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Anna E. Robertson01/01/193317518 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Anne Mare Ice01/01/194517120 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Annette Raiselle Snow01/01/196316920 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Anthony Barry Smith01/01/196224181 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Anthony Donnell Thorpe01/01/196425169 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Anthony Dupree Rice01/01/196417231 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Anthony Dwayne Magee01/01/199817229 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Antoine Tyrell Smith01/01/198324534 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Antonio Deleon Ballard01/01/197517230 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
April Fort01/01/195817682 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ari J. Dunst01/01/199217097 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ari Mordechai Ellenberg01/01/198416986 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ari Simon Katz01/01/196316960 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ari Yaakov Eizen01/01/199917190 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ariel Eliezer Lapciuc01/01/198725539 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Arleathia Finley01/01/195917356 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Arlene Boiko01/01/193524735 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Armani Migel Maxey01/01/199517732 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Armentrie Pickens01/01/194524200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Arnoree Robinson01/01/193725874 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Arthur Bernard Taylor01/01/195917285 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Arthur David Samuels01/01/197425435 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Arthur David Samuels01/01/195225435 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Arthur L. Schwartz01/01/199217316 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aryeh Eleazer Cohen01/01/196525721 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ashley Elena Smith01/01/199517226 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ashley Hill01/01/198817758 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ashley Lauren Croft01/01/198817285 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ashley Marie Hayes01/01/199917567 Lincoln Rd, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Ashley Monique Fields01/01/199517137 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Asia Dianne Allen01/01/199917220 Robert St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Atalia Furer01/01/198917591 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Atara T. Snow01/01/200116920 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Athena Daniell Solomon01/01/198524141 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Atonya Denette Evans01/01/196717665 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Audris Denise Smith01/01/195917601 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aurelia Elizabeth Nettles01/01/194525024 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Austen Drake Brantley01/01/199517545 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Austin Thomas Hayes01/01/200117567 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Autumn Dmoy McCatty01/01/199525720 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Autumn Lashun Campbell01/01/197624299 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Averi Randi Wilson01/01/199425058 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aviva Bracha Gardin01/01/197817269 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aviva Burstyn Elchonen01/01/198525612 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Aviva Sarah Rose01/01/199317139 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Avraham Noson Lange01/01/198917718 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Avrohom Fishman01/01/194817265 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Avrohom Weiss01/01/199617116 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Avrohom Yeshaya Baum01/01/198625208 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Barbara Alysia Gardner01/01/195025720 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Barbara Ann Johnson01/01/195817321 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Barbara Dolores Thompson01/01/193517138 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Barbara J. Latimer01/01/194617115 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Barbara J. Pennington01/01/194817276 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Barbara Jean Mason01/01/194517230 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Barbara Jean Norris01/01/195417217 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Barbara Lynn Higgins01/01/195017263 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Barbara Ray Clayton01/01/193524200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Barbara Stewart01/01/192825230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Barry Berkowitz01/01/194817550 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Barry Braver01/01/195216979 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Barry Glenn Hall01/01/196717282 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Batia Z. Lebovic01/01/195317265 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Batsheva Leah Davis01/01/198917050 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Batya Chava Brodman01/01/198517291 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Beatrice Ann Taylor01/01/196024200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Beatrice Dabney Slack01/01/195025524 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Becky Saka Friedman01/01/197517322 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bella Moskowitz01/01/196817040 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Benjamin Franklin Hollaway01/01/195517159 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Benjamin Friedman01/01/200217322 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Benjamin Fulton01/01/194725530 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Benjamin Harvest Hodge01/01/195017228 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Benjamin Jeffrey Rose01/01/199525044 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Benjamin John Hollaway01/01/198525037 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Benjamin Movsas01/01/196317385 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Benjamin Zev Silverstein01/01/197125315 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Bernadette Darns-Jackson01/01/195517710 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bernadette Joann Merlo01/01/194817299 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bernadette Marie Rhodes01/01/195224200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bernadine Paulette Gray01/01/194717174 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bernadine Tinker01/01/194725430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bernadine Walton01/01/193817252 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bernice Clark01/01/194817215 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bernice Kemp01/01/194024200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bernice Maxine Valentine01/01/193017355 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Bessie Ruth Mittelman01/01/193025021 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Beth Robyn Adler01/01/197017530 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bethany Renee Busch01/01/198617271 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Didn't Vote
Betty Gene Jackson01/01/194325030 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Betty Jean Pinkney-Whitely01/01/194017156 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Betty Jean Ray-Caine01/01/194517224 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Betty Matthews01/01/194124200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Beulah Mae McAdoo01/01/193724200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Beverly Agnes Bouldes01/01/194325230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Beverly Ann Grider01/01/194717260 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Beverly Genauva Mayes01/01/196324181 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Beverly Jean Jackson-Frazier01/01/195417137 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Beverly Rene Manley01/01/196117724 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Billie Jean Cardwell01/01/193024200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Blake Anthony Rowley01/01/198625014 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Blanche E. Green01/01/193924307 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bobbie Jean Rozier-Colbert01/01/195124217 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bobbie Sims MacKel-Watkins01/01/194025721 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bobby Joe Drake01/01/196625043 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bonnie Jean Norris01/01/194324200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Boruch Loriner01/01/197917197 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Boyzella Teree Akins01/01/197024197 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bracha Dunst01/01/200117097 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Brandi Michelle Davis01/01/199625601 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Brandon Alexander-mitchell Johnson01/01/199925660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Brandon Jerome Wallace01/01/198217203 Robert St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Brandon Leigh Smith01/01/197817011 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Brandon Lowery01/01/199325530 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Brandon Maxwell Kimbrough01/01/200225451 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Breana Jenea Hardy01/01/199717356 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Brenda Elaine Eldridge01/01/195124200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Brenda J. Mayworm01/01/197517376 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Brenda Joyce Dugan01/01/194524200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Brenda Joyce Talley01/01/195124275 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Brenda Maxine Beaver01/01/194217375 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Brennon Drake Brantley01/01/200117545 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Brian Charles Gluck01/01/198517360 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Brian Howard Herschfus01/01/196417721 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bridgett Johnson01/01/196425230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Brittany Cherice Sanders01/01/198825230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Brittany Erin Herschfus01/01/199117721 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Brittany Nicole Frazier01/01/199017137 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Brittney Camille Thomas01/01/198825530 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bruce J. Felton01/01/195617190 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bryan Lamar Cunningham01/01/198017182 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Bryan Marcus Lewis01/01/199117265 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Bryant Keith Collins01/01/199225410 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Burshard Landre Whitaker01/01/197825666 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Calvin Billings01/01/195717285 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Calvin Lamar Tatum01/01/195317138 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Calvin Lavern McGehee01/01/194517187 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Candace McDonald01/01/195124200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Candice Elise Gilliam01/01/199417275 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Carl Frederick Gustafson01/01/194717440 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Carla Shayvonne Oden01/01/196324200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Carmen Leanne Brantley01/01/200217545 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Carmen Yvette Stiger01/01/196517535 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Carmesha Yah-nica Christian01/01/197725630 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Carol A. White01/01/195017119 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Carol Denise Dennis01/01/195817245 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Carol Mae Pack01/01/195217312 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Carol Sue Garland01/01/195517171 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Carol Williams-Anthony01/01/196017094 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Carolyn Elaine Parnell01/01/194217225 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Carolyn Jean Thorpe01/01/194725169 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Carolyn Minter Williams01/01/193724200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Carolyn Teresa Miller01/01/195925230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Carrie Lee McGlaun01/01/193517155 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Carrie Mae Pearson01/01/194124200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Cary Hendrix01/01/194225684 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Cassandra Ann Hall01/01/197317622 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Catherine Boykin01/01/195124200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Catherine H. Jones01/01/194317579 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Cecile Daniel Baker01/01/195425430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Cecilia Matthews01/01/194325769 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Celia Caroline Smith01/01/197525572 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Celia Elizabeth Chapman01/01/195425660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Celia Lee Sroka01/01/195316979 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Celia Liebman01/01/193016959 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Chaise Amir-eugene Parker01/01/199517240 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Chana Aidel Zuroff01/01/200117362 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Chana Brodman01/01/199217291 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Chana Jundef01/01/199117266 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Chana Rochel Baumol01/01/198517522 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Chana Sara Weingarden01/01/199517140 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Chanita Evelyn Wright-Hicks01/01/195017249 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Charita Lynn Young01/01/198924225 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Charlene Lynn Pinkett01/01/198917365 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Charlenia Curry01/01/193625295 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Charles A. Wilkerson01/01/193324200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Charles Alexander Linden01/01/198717270 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Charles Marc Shepherd01/01/195017118 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Charles Mavin Kemp01/01/194325183 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Charles Michael Bell01/01/196425230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Charles Stephan Tinker01/01/198425430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Charlie Mitchell01/01/199217622 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Charmaine Rosemarie Clearly01/01/196924291 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Chase Laurence Camp01/01/199917284 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Chaya Brodie01/01/195717633 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Chaya Fruma Stein01/01/198016985 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Chaya Jaffe01/01/199725248 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Chelsea Jonnae Hall01/01/200125630 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Chelsea Victoria Huguley01/01/199124053 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Cheryl Celestine Chapman01/01/195824200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Cheryl Darlene Love01/01/194517285 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Cheryl Dixon01/01/197025630 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Cheryl Louise Hudson01/01/195325530 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Cheryl Nan Zuroff01/01/196917580 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Chloe Emanuela Grossbard01/01/199925428 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Choice Freeman01/01/194517140 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Christian Denard Colbert01/01/199517230 Robert St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Christian Hundson01/01/197417650 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Christina Joanne Fritz01/01/196925051 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Christina Lorraine Hardy01/01/198017664 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Christina Marie Hall01/01/198725630 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Christine Browder01/01/193024200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Christopher Brian Miller01/01/198225799 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Christopher Lawrence Buck01/01/196525430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Christopher Lee Floyd01/01/196817244 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Christopher Michael Jurek01/01/198725679 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Christopher Ryan Huston01/01/199024635 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Christy Abosede Akinyele01/01/196625544 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Clarence Earl Lowery01/01/198225530 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Clarence William Jefferson01/01/193024200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Clarence William Jones01/01/196625051 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Clarenswayla Lynann Wallace01/01/198117203 Robert St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Claude Mboya Fox01/01/196817220 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Claude Owens01/01/193724200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Claude Talley01/01/194717008 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Claudette Payne McMillan01/01/194824620 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Claudy Earl Jones01/01/195525230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Claywood Jones01/01/194117579 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Clifton A. Padgett01/01/199717362 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Clifton Anderson Combs01/01/192825430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Clifton Antonio Padgett01/01/196817362 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Clinton Robert Bufford01/01/193825535 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Connie J. Black01/01/194217224 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Connie Lavonne Samuels01/01/195425435 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Constance Debonue Turnley01/01/194217285 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Constance Eyvonne Rowser01/01/194617564 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Constance Willie Robinson01/01/193425630 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Corey Demarcus Mason01/01/199117230 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Corey Leverett01/01/196917275 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Corrie Neil Goodwin01/01/196325058 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Cortez Javon Bolton01/01/199425840 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Coumba Ceesay Marenah01/01/195217609 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Courtney Tiana Stribling01/01/197917226 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Crystal Benson Shamsud-Din01/01/196217438 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Crystal Star Perkins01/01/198717312 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Curtis Desean Carter01/01/198817301 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Cynthia Denise Slater01/01/196717284 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Cynthia Gertrude Miller01/01/195525799 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Cynthia Ione Bowens01/01/195124077 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Cynthia Jo Barker01/01/194917235 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Cynthia McLeod-Byrd01/01/194817347 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Da-Veaun Jamir Curtis01/01/199417285 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Daisy Juanita Moore01/01/195117326 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dalia Singal01/01/199917365 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Damar Kirk Adams01/01/197817257 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Damon Deon Gordon01/01/196925025 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Damon Rollin-shawn Debonue01/01/196617285 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Dan C. Norris01/01/198817217 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dan C. Norris01/01/194917217 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dana Rose Barnes01/01/199717215 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Daniel Arie Brodie01/01/198517633 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Daniel Ariel Gross01/01/198717521 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Daniel Edward Siporin01/01/196517239 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Daniel Gary David01/01/197125559 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Daniel Isaac Greenwald01/01/198317255 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Daniel Michael Smith01/01/199817600 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Daniel Moshe Weingarden01/01/199017159 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Daniel Steven Widenbaum01/01/195917117 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Daniel William Weininger01/01/198117248 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Danielle Renee Edmonds01/01/199317230 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Darchelle R. Drake01/01/196617116 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Darius Jalonny Irving01/01/199217350 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Darlene Chatman01/01/194724200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Darrell Lynn Anthony01/01/195717094 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Darrez Alfred Jackson01/01/199725840 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Darris Matthew Ivery01/01/199817242 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Darryl Arnell Craig01/01/196325134 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Darryl Dwight Lawson01/01/196624331 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Darryl Dwight Lawson01/01/199324331 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Darryl Traylor01/01/195717301 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Didn't Vote
David Ben Stiebel01/01/198725315 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
David Brown01/01/194724200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
David Cameron Scanlon01/01/196217400 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
David Douglas Reaves01/01/195317234 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
David Earl Kelly01/01/197317365 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
David Ernest Apt01/01/195425846 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
David Ezra Benjamin01/01/197325801 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
David Gary01/01/194524203 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
David Hyman Harris01/01/195017265 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
David Isaac Snow01/01/195716920 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
David Isiah Roberts01/01/200024069 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
David Israel Seligson01/01/198425139 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
David Kwang01/01/197517245 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
David Lerner01/01/200217207 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
David Leslie01/01/196724501 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
David Louis Katkowsky01/01/196917165 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
David M. Gardin01/01/197817269 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
David Roth01/01/196117210 Robert St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
David Sandler01/01/196917763 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
David Solomon Weingarden01/01/195717140 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
David Zuroff01/01/196617362 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dawaun Dante White01/01/198817248 Mount Vernon St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Dawn Hughley01/01/195625017 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dayna Rene Anderson01/01/196217555 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Deanna Elise Lumpkin01/01/198817230 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Debbie Jeremias01/01/195417177 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Deborah Adele Saka01/01/198517322 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Deborah Ann Carter01/01/195125720 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Deborah Ann Clanton01/01/195717193 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Deborah Ann Hodge01/01/195017228 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Deborah Ann Proven01/01/195425660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Deborah Ann Walton-Medley01/01/196117252 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Deborah Delphine Teasley01/01/195425843 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Deborah Harrison01/01/199217599 Lincoln Rd, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Deborah Jean McCreary01/01/195225530 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Deborah Jeanette Williams01/01/195217615 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Deborah Lee Smith01/01/194817223 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Deborah Mary Simms01/01/196017280 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Deborah Maxine Hodge-Reaves01/01/195417234 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Deborah Renee Randolph01/01/195617625 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Debra S. Scott01/01/195524650 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Debrah Melissa Snow01/01/199416920 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Delano Pore01/01/198417216 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Della May Archie01/01/194324200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Delois Ann Penn-Timmons01/01/194517347 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Didn't Vote
Delores A. Timmons01/01/194517347 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Delores Gates01/01/195117231 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Demarcus Rashaun Watkins01/01/199817265 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Denise Delphine Shannon01/01/196025230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Denise Erselle Dolliole-Sewell01/01/195217409 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Denise Lynne Johnson01/01/198425230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Denise Marie Holiday01/01/194717139 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Denise Marlene Hyman01/01/197625060 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dennis Dionandra Shepherd01/01/198125748 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Dennis Laurence Clark01/01/193717225 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dennis Preston Medley01/01/195717252 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Denzel Dangelo Pinkett01/01/199917365 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Derek Carter Bridges01/01/199017275 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Desiree Yvonne Harrison01/01/198225548 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Deverette Shumal Maxey01/01/196117732 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Devorah Beth Seyburn01/01/197825839 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Devorah Ishakis01/01/197017190 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Devoria E. Simmons01/01/195625052 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Diane Marie Payne01/01/195325430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Diane Patricia Fleming01/01/195117299 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dianne Smuk-Cliette01/01/195925046 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dion Lamar Gipson01/01/197017235 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dion Lewis Walton01/01/198625630 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dion Paul Payne01/01/198125430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ditannual Cushon-emmanual Hutchinson01/01/198624551 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Djimon Martise Hardy01/01/199917356 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Don Clifton Thigpen01/01/195317225 Robert St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Donald Albert Johnson01/01/194717320 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Donald Edward Caine01/01/193717224 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Donald Eugene Owens01/01/194317365 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Donald Jerome Gardner01/01/194817581 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Donald R. Codner01/01/194224635 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Donald Ray Williams01/01/197225430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Donald Roberto Stonestreet01/01/197817217 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Donavan Juan Hardy01/01/200217356 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Donna Joanne Wright01/01/195117182 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Donna Louise Graham01/01/194917275 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Donna Renee Castleberry01/01/196124200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Dora Virginia Ewing01/01/193317355 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Dorian Arnett Sanders01/01/198217708 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dorian Leigh Roberts01/01/197424069 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Doris Lashelle Norman01/01/195824129 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Doris Mae Isom01/01/193224200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Dorothy Alice Chandler01/01/194324200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dorothy Jean Harris01/01/194324200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dorothy Jean Pennington01/01/194417137 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dorothy Jones Hardy01/01/194325410 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dorothy Lee Wallace01/01/196017211 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dorothy Mae Loggins01/01/194724200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dorothy Ruth Ephraim01/01/194917230 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Douglas Bellamy Sewell01/01/194217409 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dovid Mordechai Feiertag01/01/200217124 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Drake A. Brantley01/01/196017545 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dwight Hassan Rashad01/01/195617380 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dwight Tillis01/01/195817229 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Dyna Madison Laury01/01/199525446 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Earl B. Chapman01/01/194225660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Earline Hildreth01/01/193824200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Earline Lafayette01/01/194724035 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Earnest Foster01/01/194117137 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ebonyi Shantale Johnson01/01/198125519 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Eddie B. Allen01/01/197225823 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Eddie B. Allen01/01/194625823 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Eddie Hobson01/01/197417211 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Eddie Walter Frank01/01/195417575 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Edison Soni Vushaj01/01/199017391 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Edith Linden01/01/195217270 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Edmond L. Jordan01/01/194917240 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Edward Ewell01/01/193817214 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Edward Keith Perkins01/01/199317312 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Edward Lee Newton01/01/197024200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Edwin Keith Washington01/01/195717204 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elaine Denise Davis01/01/196424043 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Elaine Harris Bradley01/01/195924299 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elaine Kay Maier01/01/194317265 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elana Berlin01/01/197117517 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Eldessa Johnson01/01/195017240 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Eleanor Maurice Green01/01/193425052 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elena Christine Camp01/01/197317284 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elena Feldman01/01/195625100 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Eli Abraham01/01/199317334 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Eli Arthur Slome01/01/197825820 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Eliav Shoshana01/01/197917650 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elieanna S. Lowenberg01/01/199617125 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Eliezer Moshe Benjamin01/01/200025801 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Eliezer Yehuda Laury01/01/199425446 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elijah Hayes01/01/194525075 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elino Valmo Manaloto01/01/194517365 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Didn't Vote
Elisha Jacob Greenwald01/01/198917138 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elisheva Ellenberg01/01/198816986 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elisheva Golda Stoll01/01/198225275 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elisheva Kenzer01/01/198517291 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elisheva Newman01/01/198617290 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Eliza Naomi Nasaudeanu01/01/199017709 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elizabeth Erin Zigdon01/01/198317317 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elizabeth Lovejoy01/01/194024200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Elizabeth Maudena Williams01/01/195224200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elizabeth P. Frogel01/01/197725232 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Elliot Aryeh Blumenkehl01/01/198717311 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elliot Meir Moskowitz01/01/196017040 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elliott Weinhouse01/01/194717031 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ellis Keith Price01/01/195425660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elnora Elizabeth McCarter01/01/196517201 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Elon Knoll01/01/197617237 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Emily Berk Cooper01/01/198317256 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Emily Delphine Smith01/01/195817292 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Emma Jean Hunt01/01/193324200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Emory White01/01/196317248 Mount Vernon St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Eric Michael Spragins01/01/196117177 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Eric Robert Maier01/01/197017265 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Erica Nicole Henley01/01/197025430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Erika Dionne Simpson01/01/197217242 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Erin Cooper Stiebel01/01/198625315 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Erin Gildarebecca Levy01/01/199125580 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ernest Alexander Harrison01/01/193725548 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ernest Mordeau Deas01/01/196025043 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ernest Theodore Traylor01/01/194925630 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ernestine Williams Harris01/01/195017247 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Esley Boyle01/01/195617248 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Essie M. Martin01/01/193517315 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Estella Anderson01/01/193924200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Estella Ann Reno01/01/195717210 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Estelle Floyd01/01/195317668 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Esther Chana Cohen01/01/200025721 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Esther Chaya Brodman01/01/198517291 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Esther Daniel01/01/197816042 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Esther Krieger01/01/198016940 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Esther Rachel Lange01/01/199117718 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Esther Shulamis Lauer01/01/197816724 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ethan Samuel Adler01/01/200117530 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Eugene Maurice Dickerson01/01/195525118 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Eulalia Maria Coleman01/01/193725630 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Eva Evelyn Cooper01/01/194317285 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Evelyn Bradford01/01/195725660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Evelyn Carlise Tate01/01/195117586 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Evelyn Louise Williams01/01/194625530 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Evelyn Marie Petty01/01/193917203 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Everett William Anthony01/01/198617094 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ezekel Moore01/01/194717326 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ezra Mordechai Klausner01/01/200225260 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Fallon Elana Levin01/01/198617331 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Fannie E. Hill01/01/194517615 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Fayge Shoshana Eisenberger01/01/198517204 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Felicia Marie Hillie01/01/197117567 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Felicia Monique Thorns01/01/196717182 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Felix Kwarshie Korto01/01/194525255 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Fern Shari Herschfus01/01/197117721 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Filmore Bouldes01/01/194125230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Flecia Clark Blasingame01/01/195424200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Florence Singerman01/01/193525701 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Florest Denise Thomas01/01/195217292 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Florrie Slack01/01/193125524 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Forest Hudson01/01/194125530 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Frances Harriet Rosenblum01/01/196117242 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Francine Jefferson01/01/195717263 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Francine Tatum01/01/194924200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Francisco De-jesus Campos01/01/199017670 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Frank Edward Forest01/01/197724157 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Fred Wesley Simmons01/01/195924811 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Frederick Brown01/01/195717253 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Frieda Miller01/01/198825669 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gabrielle Nichole Edmonds01/01/199317230 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gail Elizabeth Weinenger01/01/198725200 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gail Motley-Patrick01/01/195417239 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Gail Profit01/01/195424255 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Galina Vladimirovna Yeverovich01/01/195817097 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Garrick Smith01/01/198017223 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Gary Edward Ross01/01/195517200 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gary L. Troupe01/01/195417342 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gavriel Z. Grossbard01/01/197225428 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gaye Carol Averbuch01/01/194917304 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gemetra Glanda Black01/01/195017551 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gencie Lee Hatch01/01/192417580 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Geneice Diane Johnson01/01/199817280 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Geneva Ann Coleman-Boyle01/01/196017248 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Geneva Hicks01/01/193617400 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Geneva Marie Brathwaite01/01/198417280 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Genevieve Hill01/01/195317758 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gennaro Harold Brown01/01/199417210 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
George Cooper01/01/193917285 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
George Douglas Covington01/01/194924715 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
George Edward McKinney01/01/200217738 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
George William Walker01/01/195617450 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gerald Dixon01/01/195325630 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Gerald Franklin Eizen01/01/196517190 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gerald Kenneth Dixon01/01/199425630 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Gerald M. Hillman01/01/194817270 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Geraldine G. Roberts01/01/192125530 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Geraldine Smith01/01/193124200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Germaine Cordell Pinkston01/01/197325648 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gerren Howard Hodge01/01/196017209 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ghaith Mohammed Dawood01/01/198017271 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Didn't Vote
Gilda Hillman01/01/195117270 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gillit Leah Katz01/01/197116960 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gina Rae Boiko01/01/196324735 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gladys Louise Foster01/01/194417137 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Glen Michael Stanton01/01/198317269 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Glenn Edward Morgan01/01/195025223 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Glinder Stanton01/01/195417269 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gloria Ann Love01/01/194925619 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gloria Belle Smith01/01/193317302 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gloria Jean Bernoudy01/01/194925113 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gloria Jones01/01/195225819 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gregory Fitzgerald Sparks01/01/196917200 W 10 Mile Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Gregory Hill01/01/196017758 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gregory Robert Proven01/01/195425660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Greta Delores Scott01/01/196217665 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gussie Mae Thorns01/01/193817182 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gwendolyn Hairston Lawrence01/01/194017135 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Didn't Vote
Gwendolyn Jean Clarkston01/01/195017244 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gwendolyn Leola Bowles01/01/194725540 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Gwendolyn Ree Gary01/01/195024203 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Hadasah Avichayil Bergman01/01/200217763 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Hal Klugerman01/01/196517309 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Harold James Watson01/01/194817544 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Harold Marquand Gingles01/01/196817260 Mount Vernon St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Harry Howard Burstyn01/01/194917269 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Heidi Wrotslavsky01/01/195516940 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Helen C. Weeks01/01/192624200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Helen Louvenia Andrews01/01/194517245 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Helen M. Malone01/01/194817032 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Helen Mechlowitz01/01/193017287 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Helen Vernita Stribling01/01/194717226 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Helena Antoinette Parker01/01/196817240 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Helene Brenda Rosenberg01/01/194817137 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Henrietta Freeman01/01/195217140 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Henry Lee Malone01/01/194717032 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Henry Lew Goldschlag01/01/193517040 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Henry Solomon Baum01/01/192725216 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Henry Tate01/01/194917586 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Henya Chaya Grossman01/01/198117650 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Herbert L. Owens01/01/195317205 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Herbert Sterling Black01/01/194317224 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Hillel David Klugerman01/01/199517309 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Horace Leigh Phillips01/01/197017376 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Howard C. Greenstein01/01/196617324 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Howard Eric Jackson01/01/197617137 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Howard Lee Smith01/01/195317011 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Hugh Marcus Williams01/01/199424820 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ida Piskoverov01/01/194825660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ieshula Raphael Ishakis01/01/197017190 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Igor Yuryevich Yeverovich01/01/195817097 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ilene Leah Tinman01/01/196217209 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ilya Igorevich Yeverovich01/01/198317097 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ilya Kott01/01/198017330 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
India Takyra-jaclyn Jhons01/01/200117656 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Iniquia Anyae Snell01/01/199117599 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Ira Joseph Tick01/01/198625123 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Irese Osamuede Obasuyi01/01/199725430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Iris Anne Taylor01/01/194417556 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Irma Jean Miree01/01/195317217 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Irving Leo Lemberger01/01/195025650 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Irving M. Lowenberg01/01/196817125 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Isaac Dubose Degraffenreid01/01/196917210 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Isaac Jajuan Degraffenreid01/01/198917210 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Isaac Turner01/01/197517217 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Isachar Yehuda-dov Allswang01/01/198025560 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ivory Joe Jackson01/01/194317710 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
J. F. Rowser01/01/194417564 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jacinda Venee-eg Brooks01/01/197616938 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jack Ezra Lebenbom01/01/199817185 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jack Joseph Cohen01/01/193017226 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jack Taylor-Jones01/01/195225230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jacob Benjamin Weil01/01/199717160 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Jacob Saul Kornblum01/01/199717538 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jacqueline Ann Mansfield01/01/194625630 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jacqueline Etta Stewart01/01/193717209 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jacqueline Guice01/01/194624200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jacqueline Michelle Weiss01/01/196117116 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jacquelyn Laverne Sneed01/01/194617116 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jaimie Michelle Lerner01/01/199017270 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jalen Desean Parker01/01/200217240 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
James Adam Lee01/01/193624345 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
James Anderson Reeves01/01/194317234 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
James Casaway Price01/01/195717224 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
James Casaway Price01/01/193117224 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
James Delano Pore- Jr.01/01/195517216 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
James Edward Parker01/01/196617240 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
James Evans01/01/194917634 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
James Harrison Anderson01/01/193824200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
James Hermman Ross01/01/195917200 Robert St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
James Jackson01/01/196817214 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
James Kyree Owens01/01/199117266 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
James Robinson01/01/193525874 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jan Napier Coulter01/01/195417220 Robert St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Janell Abreona Montague01/01/198617732 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Janet Martel Lawrence01/01/198217365 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Janice Faye Whitaker01/01/195325666 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Janice Marie Hebron01/01/195224015 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Janis Marie Vaughn01/01/194925748 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jasmine Amanda Ziegler01/01/199425428 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Javena Marie Finley01/01/196324027 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jaylen Lawrence01/01/200217365 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Jayvon Pierre Hardy01/01/200225410 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jd Jones01/01/194725819 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Jeanette Murphy01/01/195417219 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Jeanette Sykes01/01/194324200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jeannetta Washington01/01/195125660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Jeffery Ivan Graff01/01/195017283 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jeffrey Brian Klein01/01/196117596 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jeffrey Harris Soffa01/01/194917304 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jeffrey Marc Brodman01/01/195417291 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jeffrey Perlman01/01/198317309 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jenae Meyon Phillips01/01/199417376 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Jenai D. Gipson01/01/200017235 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Jenan Hawthorne01/01/196117709 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jennie Adler01/01/198117181 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jennifer Owens01/01/196217266 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jennifer Rose01/01/196917139 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jennifer Washington01/01/196117204 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jeremy Brin01/01/200017117 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Jeremy Marcus Minkin01/01/198217155 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jeremy Neil Lerner01/01/199017270 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jerome Charles Gordon01/01/198917738 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Jerome Zuroff01/01/196417362 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jerry Amos Dunst01/01/195517097 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jessica Carolyn Simpson01/01/198624200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Jessica Chanee-bryna Naiman01/01/198617090 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jessie James Partee01/01/194424200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Jewel Dean Stanbrough01/01/195024200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jewel Melissa Jones01/01/198017287 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Joan Clare Britton01/01/194225660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Joan Loleta Wilkerson01/01/194025720 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jodan Patrick Price01/01/195925874 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Joel Robert Schechet01/01/195317150 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
John Carlo Amos01/01/199817733 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
John Eliot Linden01/01/198917270 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
John James Urban01/01/196125020 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
John Nathaniel Taylor01/01/196525078 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
John Philip Piner01/01/195717549 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
John Roy Nussbaum01/01/193225207 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Johnnie Stevens Ulmer01/01/194417585 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Johnny Lee Slater01/01/196717284 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jonathan Abraham Feiertag01/01/197017124 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jonathan J. Snow01/01/199116920 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jonathan Katz01/01/199817000 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Jones O. Akinsara01/01/195024200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jordan Eli Weil01/01/199817160 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Joseph Aryeh Seligson01/01/197825035 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Joseph Benjamin Singerman01/01/197617117 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Joseph Charles Smith01/01/194417223 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Joseph Dov Engelsberg01/01/199616042 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Joseph Hillel Bein01/01/198125800 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Joseph Naiman01/01/198317090 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Joseph Rodgers Potter01/01/193925660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Josephine Perry Abner01/01/194324200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Joshua Daniel Simms01/01/199117280 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Joshua Dylan Allen01/01/200217224 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Joshua Mark Newson01/01/198817115 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Joshua Michael Kornblum01/01/199917538 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Jourdan Blair Robles01/01/198817600 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Joyce Mack Sims01/01/195417061 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Juanita Harris01/01/193317256 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Juanita Marie Andrews01/01/197717245 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Judd L. Lesser01/01/196325789 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Judith Ann Kanfer01/01/194617672 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Judith G. Friedman01/01/194717295 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Judith L. Levy01/01/194625560 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Judith Schlussel01/01/197416980 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Judy Lee Williams01/01/195317763 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Judy Z. Lane01/01/195125660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Julia Mae Jordan01/01/194224200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Juliana Taylor01/01/200117285 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Julie Annette Sethavarangura01/01/195925430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Julie Luann Price01/01/196117224 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Julius Marice Edwards01/01/196625110 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
June Frances Reeves01/01/194817234 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Junior Brown01/01/193317375 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Junious Beaver01/01/193317375 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Justin Alexander Spigner01/01/199417285 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Justin Avery Brooks01/01/199516938 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Justin Raphael Weil01/01/200117160 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Justin Robert Wilson01/01/198917221 Robert St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Juwan Titus Davis01/01/198617665 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kaila Anne Miller01/01/200017260 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kaila Minna Shugarman01/01/199325232 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kalet Dineen Talley01/01/196417217 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Kandis Gaye Davis01/01/196417094 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kanedra Archie01/01/197524200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kanesha Micah Davis01/01/200125530 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Karen Lowenberg01/01/197017125 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Karen Perkins Harrison01/01/194525548 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Karen Rose Gustafson01/01/194717440 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kathleen Karen Murphy01/01/195425840 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Katrina Nannette Armstrong01/01/196125720 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kay Frances Warren01/01/194924200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kayla Marie Dalton01/01/199317357 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Kayla Monet Ford01/01/199617240 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Keith Earl Bolton01/01/196625216 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Keith Jerome Forest01/01/198024157 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Keith Lamar Loyd01/01/196417600 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kelley Sherri Finley-Williams01/01/198317356 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kellise Nicole Watts01/01/197617599 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Kendall Anthony McCarter01/01/199717201 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kendra Janel Kimbrough01/01/197717178 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kenneth Harvey Pugh01/01/196017216 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Kenneth Raymond Trapp01/01/195017259 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Keturah Thompson-Ewing01/01/196925039 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Kevin Curtis01/01/197017285 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Kevin Frederick Taylor01/01/196825110 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kevin L. Smith01/01/196217302 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Kevin Lennard Miller01/01/196725106 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kevin Owens01/01/195517176 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Khalil Preston01/01/198824035 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kiara Rayford01/01/199225410 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Kim Wanda Edmondson01/01/195717229 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kimberley Anbeth Whittaker01/01/197017264 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Kimberly Michelle Ballard01/01/196417230 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kimon Fatima-kalan Hutchinson01/01/196224551 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kirk-Christian De-guzman Teodoro01/01/199725045 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Kiya Nuvay Howard01/01/199824211 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Krissha Crystal Jones01/01/200217204 Mount Vernon St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Kristen Talor McCarter01/01/199217201 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lajuanda Rucker01/01/195324200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lannette Katherine Vickers-Ray01/01/196317600 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Larita Denise Miller01/01/196424283 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Laron Tyron Johnson01/01/198417204 Mount Vernon St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Larry Maurice Phillips01/01/198417376 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Larry Michael Braxton01/01/195124200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lashawn Genee Bolton01/01/197225216 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lashone Tamika Womble-Caliman01/01/197017284 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Lateka Ann Williams01/01/198917235 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Laura M. Moody01/01/195617173 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lauren Ashley-rene Black01/01/199517224 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Laurie Dee Eschner01/01/195924735 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lavert Lee Perkins01/01/199217312 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lavetta Leblanc01/01/195817155 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Lawrence William Castleberry01/01/194424200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Leah Batsheva Grossman01/01/198717140 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Leah Goldberg01/01/199717671 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Leandra Brichole Cotton01/01/199417656 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Leatrice J. Whaley01/01/194925861 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Lela Mae Chance01/01/192617333 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lena Marie Thomas01/01/199225660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lennea Hilda Herring-Dennis01/01/198625883 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Leon Edward Maynard01/01/196624121 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Leon Matthews01/01/194025769 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Leonard Scott Clarkston01/01/195417244 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Leonard Sidney Glantz01/01/194425230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Leonte Jamonee Degraffenreid01/01/199517210 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Lesa Denise Moore-Williams01/01/197217326 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Leslie Elizabeth Drake01/01/196625043 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Leslie Lilnell Ming01/01/197917359 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Leslie Noelle Dennard01/01/198425681 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Leslie Pappas Ungar01/01/197417265 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Letha Direne Kemp01/01/196225183 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Levi Benjamin01/01/199325520 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Levi Yitzchok Gordon01/01/198317580 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Levi Yitzchok Jundef01/01/198817266 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Libat Aviv01/01/195425560 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Lillian Audrey Payne01/01/194824200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lillian Burkes01/01/193424200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Linda Charlene Proctor-Ricketts01/01/195017210 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Linda Dee McDonald01/01/194725090 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Linda Diane Vinyard01/01/195725660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Linda L. Bufford01/01/194725535 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Linda R. Miller01/01/196117223 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Linda Wilson01/01/195617721 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Lindsey Taylor Hollaway01/01/199217159 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Linell Wilma Allen01/01/194725823 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lisa Belinda Keyser01/01/195124200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lisa Lynn Franklin01/01/196317215 Robert St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lisa Marie Hawkins01/01/195925295 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lisa Widelitz Shepherd01/01/195117118 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lloyd Chenier Crews01/01/197417239 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lora Ann Young01/01/196224225 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Loren Tarae Williams01/01/199917235 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Loretta Laurie Green01/01/193717214 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Loretta Sylvia Tatem01/01/195924149 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lori Deonne Mathaw01/01/196725695 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Lorine Harris01/01/194924200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lorraine Corley01/01/194117653 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lorraine Hardy01/01/195517664 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lou Jacie Walker01/01/194617307 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Louis Edward Maiberger01/01/194417650 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Louis Graham-marc Tepper01/01/196017710 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Louis Pennington01/01/194117276 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Louis Quzzie McPherson01/01/195017370 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Louisa Thompson01/01/194317671 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Louise Leanna Duson01/01/192525430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Luevina Green01/01/192824200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lula Ray Tucker01/01/195224200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Luther Taylor01/01/197017556 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lyndon Baines Johnson01/01/198817217 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Lynn Faber Sundheimer01/01/195225530 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Lynn Mitte Berkowitz01/01/194917550 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Macayla J. Miller01/01/200025230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Malissa Potter Kawaka01/01/197925660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Malka B. Blumenkehl01/01/198817311 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marci Fox Lebenbom01/01/195817185 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marcia Gail Roth01/01/195317210 Robert St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marcus Edwards01/01/200017230 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marcus Ernest Lewis01/01/194417265 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marcus Keith Hillie01/01/196517567 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Margaret Iola Mitchell01/01/193717171 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Margot Evelyn Mitchell-English01/01/195225275 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Maria Emeh Enang01/01/198517482 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Maria Jone Minkin01/01/198817155 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marian Elizabeth Holley01/01/194417264 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marianna Shimonova01/01/198117115 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marie Annette Forest01/01/195624157 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marie Louise Means01/01/194725601 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marieille Jaquette Broadnax01/01/196925012 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Marilyn Barbara Goldman01/01/195125659 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marino Cortez Mattison01/01/197625223 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marion Ester Hubbard01/01/194717385 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Marion Iris Morgan01/01/195825223 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marjorie Burstyn01/01/194917269 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marjorie Holland01/01/194417231 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Mark Aaron Snow01/01/198916920 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Mark Anthony Morgan01/01/198717708 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Mark Dewitt Pettway01/01/196717220 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mark Jamie Weiss01/01/196017116 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mark Joseph Weisbart01/01/197917060 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marlin Edward Gilliam01/01/196417275 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marlowe Dashawn Kennedy01/01/197917265 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marna Lee Taylor01/01/196717285 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marquita Lavinia Vaughn01/01/197317718 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marquitta Hendrix01/01/194425684 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marsha Ann Chatman01/01/195217731 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marsha Sue Egbert01/01/194925579 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marshall Alexander Green01/01/196624307 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marshall Clifford McCrary01/01/198625230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marta A. Lesser01/01/196725789 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Martha Ray Stewart-Wilson01/01/194725230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Martin Berg Kornblum01/01/196917538 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Martin Garland Stiger01/01/196317535 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Martin Goldberg01/01/196617671 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Martin Hawthorne01/01/196817709 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Martin Joseph Brin01/01/196117117 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Martin Luther-k Hawthorne01/01/199517709 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marvin Gregory English01/01/198325275 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marvin Gregory English01/01/194825275 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marvin Hubert Craig01/01/194617243 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Marvin Owens01/01/195017176 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mary Alice Womble01/01/194324200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mary Breanna Andrews01/01/198724710 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Mary C. McDonald01/01/194024189 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Mary Catherine Lane01/01/195017242 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mary J. Bryan01/01/194325720 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mary Josephine Lucas01/01/194724200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mary Silverman01/01/193717331 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mary W. Adams01/01/194617257 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Matthew Barahal Schwartz01/01/194517313 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Matthew Ernest-andrew Glenn01/01/198517270 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Matthew T. Curry01/01/196225295 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mattie Irene Perry01/01/194424200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mattie Maefield Hatcher01/01/197025720 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Maurice Abraham Rose01/01/196717139 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Maurice White01/01/194217347 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Max Aaron Berlin01/01/197017517 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Maxine Early01/01/194025720 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mayer Eckstein01/01/198825125 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Maynard Quinn Stansbury01/01/194117225 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Melvin Charles Miller01/01/197417201 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Melvin Eugene Miller01/01/193917201 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Melvin Louis Foster01/01/195725819 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Menachem M. Friedman01/01/198917257 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Menachem Mendel Poss01/01/199017745 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Micah Caleb Eizen01/01/200217190 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michael Anthony Foster01/01/195825819 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michael Anthony Jefferson01/01/195717263 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michael Anthony Ward01/01/196725861 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Michael Ari Mandelbaum01/01/198225109 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michael Avery Katz01/01/199517000 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Michael C. Fine01/01/199017177 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michael David Sherrow01/01/197017295 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Michael Edwin Morrison01/01/195417247 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michael Eitan Brodie01/01/195117633 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Michael Frederick Causey01/01/198117245 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michael Howard Stanton01/01/195917269 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michael Hughes01/01/195217355 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michael James Collier01/01/196425130 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Michael Jeffrey Ellenberg01/01/197716955 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michael Levin01/01/198317331 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michael Meard01/01/194924200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Michael Oneal Tait01/01/197324255 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michael Paul Weinenger01/01/198425200 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michael Walker01/01/194617596 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michael Wallace Connelly01/01/194817640 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michael Wayntraub01/01/199517192 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Michael Zuroff01/01/196817580 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michal Esther Rottenstein01/01/198317251 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Michele D. Davis01/01/195717067 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michele Robinson01/01/196625058 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Michelle Diane Morris-Mays01/01/195825020 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michelle Gabriel Rosenbloom01/01/198517521 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Michelle Lynn Brodman01/01/196217291 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michelle Lynn Hall01/01/195917282 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Michelle McFarlin01/01/195525014 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Michelle Thomas-Joiner01/01/195817597 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mickell Dwayne Rice01/01/196117231 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Mikael Matthew Pinkney01/01/199817156 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Milaine S. Grossbard01/01/197325428 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mildred Louise Taylor01/01/194125110 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mims Darnell Robinson01/01/197425630 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Miriam Ceyna Zuroff01/01/197017362 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Miriam Devorah Yeverovich01/01/200017097 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Miriam Friedman Bein01/01/198125800 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Miriam Laurel-snider Pickens01/01/195017601 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Miriam Margaret-rose Hudson01/01/195424085 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Miriam Rebecca Feiertag01/01/197317124 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Miriam Rosa Benjamin01/01/197525801 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Miriam Sue Lyss01/01/195617031 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Miriam Syril Kanner01/01/198117605 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mitchell E. Klausner01/01/197025260 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mollie Rose Cohen01/01/191925035 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Monica Denise Pierce01/01/196125055 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Monica Helene Brin-Klein01/01/198517325 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Monica Marie Yatooma01/01/195825639 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Monique Latrice Whigham01/01/197917567 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mordechai Mandelbaum01/01/199125117 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mordechai S. Dunst01/01/198517097 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mordechai Zishe Klainberg01/01/197317692 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Morris Fine01/01/194617177 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Moshe Richter01/01/200125343 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Moshe Zachary Weiss01/01/198417116 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Murl Johnson01/01/195425519 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mychal Lapatrick Morgan01/01/199617230 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Myles Omari Williams01/01/199825430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Myrna Deonka Brantley01/01/196717545 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Myrna Greenberg01/01/195225155 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Mytao Akii Covington01/01/197224715 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Myzell Sowell01/01/195225230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Naama Aviv01/01/198025560 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Nadia McClendon01/01/194924200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Naftali Yisroel Newman01/01/199125132 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Nancy Carol Simms01/01/193917280 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Nancy Clark Katsura01/01/194924200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Nancy Faye Lauer01/01/194316724 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Nasandra Denise Lane01/01/199117242 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Nathan Elliott Norman01/01/194917045 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Nathaniel Lauer01/01/194116724 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Nathaniel Ross Ungar01/01/197817265 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Natia Danyelle McKinney01/01/199417738 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Natonya Racquel-reggurio Bush01/01/197317650 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Neal Edward Linden01/01/199117270 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Neal Harvie Fisher01/01/196925039 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Nechama Joy Ishakis01/01/200217190 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Nechama Miriam Klein01/01/199017093 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Nechama Poss01/01/199117745 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Nechama Rachel Elbaz01/01/199117001 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Nehama Schwartz01/01/194917313 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Neil Edward Singal01/01/197417365 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Neiman Maurice-azion Grier01/01/200025090 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Neshawn Campanaris Halsell01/01/197317361 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Nicholas James Goerke01/01/199925207 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Nichole Antoinette Shelby01/01/198317216 Robert St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Nicole Kenya Foster01/01/197117137 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Nicole Lynette James01/01/197417298 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Nicole S. Nettles01/01/197825024 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Niko Luwan Stringer01/01/197217255 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Nina Helaine Greenstein01/01/197217324 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ninel Wynberg01/01/197317197 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Noa Avigail Brodman01/01/199917291 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Noah Seth Adler01/01/199717530 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Norman Greenberg01/01/194825155 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Nosson Chaim Stoll01/01/198125275 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Nyree Nakia Phillips01/01/197417376 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Odessa Ann Daniel01/01/193225430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Odessa Flowers01/01/194117291 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Odis Calvin Peters01/01/193317626 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Olar Mae Johnson01/01/195124200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Olivia Ann Littleton01/01/194117700 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Omar Saidina Marenah01/01/198317609 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ora Chana Bulua01/01/198517325 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ora Lee Talley01/01/194817008 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Orville Terrance Baker01/01/194825430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Oscar Lewis Britton01/01/194325660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Otha Mae Thomas01/01/194924200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Paige Alexis Stiger01/01/199517535 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Paige Nicole Jefferson01/01/199217263 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Pamela Ann Loyd01/01/196817600 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Pamela Leblanc01/01/195117155 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Didn't Vote
Pamela Leblanc Billings01/01/195917285 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Parris J-ramon Browner01/01/198617217 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Patrice Renee Gray01/01/198424113 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Patricia Ann Clay01/01/194817235 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Patricia Ann Johnson01/01/196117450 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Patricia Ann Jones01/01/195424200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Patricia Ann Partee01/01/194924200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Patricia Ann Tumpkin01/01/195425150 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Patricia Bowden01/01/196017700 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Patricia Elaine Nunn01/01/194224200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Patricia Sorrell-Cotton01/01/195517245 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Patricia Sue Ross01/01/195517200 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Patricia Sue-sorrell Cotton01/01/195517245 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Patricia Williams Plair01/01/195224200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Patrick Lamont McKnight01/01/196717224 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Patrina E. Radford01/01/195017239 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Paul David Levi01/01/196017190 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Paul John Yatooma01/01/195525639 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Paul Michael Stoll01/01/195917750 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Paula Dean Procter01/01/192717363 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Paula Elaine White01/01/196517119 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Paula J. Martin01/01/194925630 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Pauline Wilkins01/01/193224200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Pearl Drucella Gutierriez01/01/193117556 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Pernesha Renee Phillips01/01/199017376 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Peter Ernest Sugar01/01/196017348 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Philicia E. Brin01/01/196417117 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Philip Avery Adler01/01/196717530 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Phillip Edward Miller01/01/197825799 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Phillip Friedman01/01/194617295 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Phyllis Arl Grossman01/01/193517701 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Phyllis Jean Connelly01/01/195017640 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Priscilla Ann Craig01/01/195417243 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Quanadre Daeon Drake01/01/200125043 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rachael Shields01/01/197917295 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Rachel Adler01/01/198717150 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rachel Leah-sarah Black01/01/198617151 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Rachel Tova Seligson01/01/198025035 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rachelle Denise Barnes01/01/195817215 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rachelle Linda Grossbard01/01/194625428 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ralph Claybourne Mays01/01/195325020 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ralph Donald Harmon01/01/193917245 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ramona Lynn Smith-Gingles01/01/196817260 Mount Vernon St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ramonte Leslie Reno01/01/195617210 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ramonte Leslie Reno01/01/197617210 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ramsey O. Hardy01/01/196725410 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Randy Apt01/01/196025846 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Raneef Ali Whitley01/01/199617264 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Raphael Dunne Eisenberger01/01/198217204 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Raphael Nahum Klausner01/01/200025260 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rashara Deanna Reno01/01/198117210 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rawl Ira Miller01/01/199117260 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Raymond Otis Hardy01/01/196625410 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Raynell Juan Leblanc01/01/198117285 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Raynier Stinson01/01/197117682 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rebecca Ann Gluck01/01/199117360 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rebecca Stern Klausner01/01/197225260 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rebecca Susan Eizen01/01/196517190 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Regena Denise Thomas01/01/196617204 Mount Vernon St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Regina Virginia Bell01/01/196717230 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Reginald Bernard Phillips01/01/195325584 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rena Allswang01/01/198125560 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rena Fraydel Traxler01/01/198117550 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Rena S. Eckstein01/01/199025125 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Renee Gail Cartwright01/01/194825681 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Reshard Malik Watson01/01/199517544 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Revella Marie Pugh01/01/195617216 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Rhonda Renee Hardy01/01/197325410 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Richard Dowon Clark01/01/194925720 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Richard Emil Sundheimer01/01/194425530 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Richard Ernest Smith01/01/194425859 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Richard Ernest Smith01/01/198925859 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Richard J. Gutierriez01/01/193417556 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Richard Sanders01/01/194125230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Richelle Denise Sharpe01/01/196017689 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Riley Kathryn-alyce Banks01/01/199525019 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rinie Mae Anderson01/01/193124200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Risa Gibora Richter01/01/197325343 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rivka Ahuva Braver01/01/197916979 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rivka G. Friedman01/01/199117257 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rivka Siona Nemes01/01/198316996 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rivkah Bryna Brodman01/01/199517291 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rivkah Leah Krohn01/01/198817200 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Rivkah Yospah Greenwald01/01/199217138 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rmanda Lauren Mabins01/01/199217736 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Robbie Sue Owens01/01/196317205 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Robert Arnold01/01/197417365 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Robert Clive Kawaka01/01/198025660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Robert Earl Cartwright01/01/194025681 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Robert Earl Gary01/01/196917581 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Robert Edward Simms01/01/194417061 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Robert Eldredge Holiday01/01/194617139 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Robert Ellsworth Rickett01/01/192925230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Robert Lee Smith01/01/193717217 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Robert Sneed01/01/194317116 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Robert Steven Gluklick01/01/195125560 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Robert Tawil01/01/195617001 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Robie Oleta Smith01/01/195217011 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Robyn Eileen Banks01/01/196825019 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rochel Leah Loketch01/01/198825539 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rochel Leah Tawil01/01/199117001 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Rochelle Peterson01/01/194825650 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rochelle Weingarden01/01/196017140 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rod Kelly Hines01/01/199217242 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Roderick Ethan Randolph01/01/196617625 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Roderick Irwin Parks01/01/194425630 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rodrick Bell01/01/196817230 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Roger Edmund Harris01/01/198417247 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Roger Q. Williams01/01/195017350 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Roger Wayne Pennington01/01/194717137 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rona Susan Goldberg01/01/196917671 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ronald Anthony Gates01/01/195517231 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ronald Devin Hunter01/01/198217357 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ronald Earl Gray01/01/197724283 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ronald James Thomas01/01/196617710 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ronald Russa Vaughn01/01/194825748 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ronnell Levon Lowe01/01/197717625 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Roosevelt Barnes01/01/195817215 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rosalind Kay Kimbrough01/01/196225451 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Roselind Baum01/01/192825216 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rosemary Armaly Feldman01/01/193225430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Rosetta Carter Randolph-Toler01/01/193817625 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rosie Levet Ogden-Burtley01/01/194224239 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Roxeanne Scott01/01/198224650 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Roxie Jane Banks01/01/194325720 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Roy Eldridge Whitaker01/01/195025666 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Roy J. Robertson01/01/193417518 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ruby Lee Fitten01/01/193924200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rudy Kirk Merriweather01/01/197317475 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Rufus Bernard Joiner01/01/195717597 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ruth Ann Brazelton01/01/194725019 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ruth Lynese Burgess01/01/192817580 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ruth Smith01/01/194924197 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ruth Smith01/01/191724200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ryan Ashleigh Vinyard01/01/198525660 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ryan Cantrell Taylor01/01/199025078 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ryan Glen Seyburn01/01/197125839 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ryan Scott Foster01/01/198017137 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sabrina Annette Padgett01/01/197017362 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Salomon Moskowitz01/01/200117040 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Sam Williams01/01/195217615 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Samantha Lydia English01/01/198925275 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Samuel Chavious Timmons01/01/193917347 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Samuel Friedman01/01/200017322 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sander Eizen01/01/199817190 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sandi Morrison01/01/195217247 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sandra Beth Dunst01/01/195717097 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sandra Gail Stern01/01/195717208 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sandra Lynn Williams01/01/198217331 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Sandra Marie Meador01/01/195517347 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sandra Pinkett01/01/195917365 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Sandra R. Brantley01/01/194617217 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Sandra Ruth Martin-Smith01/01/194617217 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sandy Jerryl Love01/01/194925619 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sandy Joseph Friedman01/01/199617322 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sara Aliza Rottenstein01/01/198717251 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sara Tova Cohen01/01/196525721 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sara Yocheved Seligson01/01/198425139 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sarah Beth Kornblum01/01/197017538 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sarah Mandel01/01/192825525 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Sarah Miriam Singerman01/01/198317117 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sarilynne Janice Stinson01/01/195517302 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sarit Hadas Klugerman01/01/199217309 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Sasha C. Hicks01/01/199117400 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Savannah Mishay Greene01/01/199617240 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Scott Marlow Coleman01/01/196325230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Selvin Fitzgerald Jackson01/01/198417137 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
September Grier01/01/197325090 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Sevilla Jean Manley01/01/194717680 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shaina Itkin-Gordon01/01/198617580 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shana Carin Singal01/01/197517365 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shante Marie Davis01/01/197925601 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shanyia Kalea Jarrett01/01/197217555 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Sharea Renee Foster01/01/198317439 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Sharon Ann Trapp01/01/194717259 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sharon Deniece Mitchell01/01/195917410 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sharon Irene Weeks01/01/194424200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sharon Kidd01/01/195517159 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sharon Marie Roberson01/01/194917651 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sharon Mary Lattimore01/01/195617409 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sharon Sarita Sullivan01/01/198317708 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sharron Latric Barksdale01/01/197524165 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shaun Alan Stinson01/01/198017240 Mount Vernon St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shawn Keith Jackson01/01/197825039 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shawnteal Nicole Pernell01/01/198317245 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shawntia Latrice Jones01/01/197517720 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sheila Lacey-Willis01/01/195624263 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shelton Alvin Martin01/01/193017315 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sherri Lynn Weil01/01/196817160 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sherri Tova Greenstein01/01/197117089 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Sherry Eaton01/01/197017135 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Didn't Vote
Sheryl Sherrow01/01/197317295 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Shifra Bayla Kiffel01/01/198417140 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Shifra Chana Rozenfeld01/01/199017192 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Shifrah Zilpah Benedid01/01/198317116 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shileah Seneice Williams01/01/199517210 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shira Bess Weininger01/01/198517248 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shira N. Ishakis01/01/199917190 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shirley Ann Cole01/01/194517256 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Shirley Mae Beemon01/01/194317595 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shlomo Yaakov Apt01/01/198125820 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Shmuel Yosef Kiffel01/01/198217140 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Shoshana Gardin-Katz01/01/197217000 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shoshana Golda Tobi01/01/199717159 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Shoshana Lea Greenberg01/01/198925155 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shoshana Rachel Kott01/01/198217330 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shoshana Raizel Elchonen01/01/198816750 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shoshana Tova Goldschlag01/01/193717040 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Shoshanna Rachael Kuritsky01/01/198025559 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sidney Ariel Schechet01/01/198617150 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Sidney Paul Katz01/01/196917000 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Simcha Aziza Benjamin01/01/199325520 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Simcha Knoll01/01/198017237 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Simcha Zelig-sid Feiertag01/01/200117124 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Simone D. McQuitty01/01/199525230 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Sincha Fishman01/01/198317265 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Sixto Daniel Robles01/01/198917600 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sonia Lynette Spragins01/01/196717177 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sonny Moskowitz01/01/199317040 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Sonya Lanese Blair01/01/196724173 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sonya Nache Hall01/01/197217676 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sophia Imeh Enang01/01/198417482 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Spencer G. Cotton01/01/199017245 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Stacey Deshon Ramsey-Brezzell01/01/197417264 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Stacey Erika Manuel01/01/197917285 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Stacey Maron Todd01/01/197117240 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Stacey Nichole Crews01/01/197417239 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Stacha Camille Floyd01/01/197417244 Pennsylvania St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Stamuel Bean01/01/193717230 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Stedman Curtis Moore01/01/199917612 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Stephanie Hill-Ross01/01/196017200 Robert St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Stephanie Talia Schechet01/01/199617150 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Stephanie Yosonia Pinkney01/01/197017156 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sterling Randall Black01/01/197117224 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Steve Fagin01/01/195625630 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Steven David Richter01/01/196825343 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Steven Derek Ewing01/01/196417355 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Steven Lerner01/01/199917207 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Steven Ricardo Pettway01/01/198524100 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Steven Solomon Friedman01/01/197217322 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Stevyn Charmaine Stinson01/01/198417240 Mount Vernon St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Stewart Charles Jones01/01/199017427 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Stricklin James Owens01/01/195817266 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Stuart Adam Lebenbom01/01/196217185 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Susan Debra Tawil01/01/195517001 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Susan Diane Katz01/01/195717159 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Susan Eliyahu01/01/198117598 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Susan Lynn Turner01/01/197617217 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sylvan Stern01/01/195217208 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sylvia Nussbaum01/01/193125207 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Sylvia Seline Leverett01/01/196517275 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tahri Nayamka Montgomery01/01/197517549 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tamarind Angelique Forbes01/01/199617067 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tammy Zietchick Movsas01/01/196417385 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tanesha Ernestine Davis01/01/198225530 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Tanika Latassie Jackson01/01/197917137 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tanya Marie Clark01/01/196917601 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tehilah Chafon Tolbert01/01/199117210 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tenerro James-christophe Thornton01/01/199417544 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Terea Donnelle Harris01/01/195617181 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Terence Donyale Martin01/01/196924551 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Teri Denise Hamlin01/01/195225040 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Terrance Eugene Woods01/01/197525820 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Terrence Oniel Banks01/01/197117738 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Terry William Fomby01/01/197417600 New Hampshire Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Theadastus Louis Woodard01/01/198825720 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Theadastus Louis Woodard01/01/195525720 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Thelma Beatrice Dave01/01/193317288 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Theodore Deleon Whitely01/01/194817156 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Theresa Ann Thomas01/01/195624500 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Theresa Marie Selenger01/01/194717444 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Thomas C. Nelson01/01/194617260 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Thomas Ellis Willis01/01/194724263 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Thomas Roosevelt Latimer01/01/194517115 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tia Lashun Williams01/01/197317235 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tiana Mia Holden01/01/198517414 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tiara Isabelle Padgett01/01/199317362 Addison St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tiffany Loren Smith01/01/197717011 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Tiffany Lynn Comer01/01/197225123 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Timothy Earl Fort01/01/198817682 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Timothy Earl Fort01/01/195917682 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Timothy Mark Bond01/01/198717285 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tineisha Deshaun Taylor01/01/197517223 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Titus Williams01/01/194917264 Maryland St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Toby Etta Schlussel01/01/194616980 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tommie Wallace01/01/195817211 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tommy Lee Floyd01/01/195017668 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tommy Lee Knox01/01/196517239 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Tonae Edwards01/01/199917230 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Toni Denise Martin01/01/195117725 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tonya Letrice Blair01/01/196724173 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tonya Marie Degraffenreid01/01/196717210 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tova F. Dunst01/01/198717097 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Tova Yehudis Apt01/01/198325820 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tracey Crossley01/01/196625630 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Traci Renee Edmonds01/01/196817230 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Tracy Carlisle Manley01/01/197217680 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tracy Renee Lowery01/01/197725530 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Trennese Lashall Howard-Lucas01/01/196624211 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tuvia Malkiel Davis01/01/198817050 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tyanna R. Paylor01/01/199817235 Anna St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Tyrell Jones01/01/196624200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tyrone Hicks01/01/196117400 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tzadok Eliyahu01/01/198017598 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tziporah Dunst01/01/198817097 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tziporah Kraindel Klyne01/01/198817282 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Tzipporah Dunst01/01/199717097 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Tzvi Hersh-f Brodman01/01/199617291 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Undra Rice01/01/196217231 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Valeria Denise Perkins01/01/197025847 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Valerie Ann Colbert-Osamuede01/01/196125430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Vanessa Ramona Vaughn-Johnson01/01/195517718 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Velma Davis01/01/193417331 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Velmateen Leonard01/01/194617230 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Verdis Lee Gary-Gardner01/01/194717581 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Verneice Vurell-taylor Copeland01/01/195717230 New Jersey St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Veronica Michelle Sanders01/01/197717137 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Vicki Lynn Goerke01/01/195825207 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Victor Wrotslavsky01/01/195116940 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Victoria Phillis McKenzie01/01/195025630 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Violet Ann Watkins01/01/196017265 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Virgil Edmonds01/01/196517230 Lee St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Virginia Berry-Lee01/01/194424345 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Virginia Lee Taylor01/01/196725861 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Vivian Gale Harris01/01/195124200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Vivian Lanette Shade01/01/197017321 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Wakeita Latrice Winston01/01/197517209 Stratford Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Wanda Elizabeth Whiting01/01/195317284 Richard St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Waseana Elaine Ballard01/01/197325555 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Wayne Wimbish Bradley01/01/194824299 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Will Thomas Walton01/01/195517252 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Willa Kathryn Rayner01/01/194925630 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
William Carleton Turner01/01/197217355 George Washington Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
William Colston01/01/196317595 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
William Eddie-jones Flowers01/01/193817291 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
William Francis Selenger01/01/194117444 Silver Maple St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
William H. Bridges01/01/194617275 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
William Haywood Moore01/01/196524200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Willie James Thomas01/01/195017292 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Willie Lee Stewart01/01/194017209 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Willie Mae Rainer01/01/195117204 Mount Vernon St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Willie Marcus Bradford01/01/193325695 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Willie Watson01/01/196517321 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Winifred Cunningham01/01/194325130 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Winston Douglas Hill01/01/194217615 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yaakov Black01/01/198417151 Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yaakov Yitzchok Grossbard01/01/198025155 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Yael Rubinoff01/01/198425560 Filmore PL, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Yaffa Shaindel Greenwald01/01/198417255 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yaffa Yehudit Klugerman01/01/196817309 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yecheskel Stein01/01/198116985 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yefim I. Grinshpun01/01/196125100 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yehuda Aryeh Kenzer01/01/198217291 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yehuda Avraham Wolper01/01/197525559 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yehuda Shugarman01/01/199225232 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yehuda Yedidya Kleiner01/01/198716750 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yehudah Jaffe01/01/199425248 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yehudah Y. Adler01/01/198117181 Shervilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yehudis Rivka Blavin01/01/198917030 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yisroel Meir Goldberg01/01/200217671 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yisroel Traube01/01/197917184 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yisroel Yitzchok Peterson01/01/197925650 Woodvilla PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yitzchok I. Abrams01/01/198617591 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yoel M. Roth01/01/195817210 Robert St, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yolonda Faye Freeman-Hildreth01/01/197617643 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yona Hendel Bernath01/01/198025134 Pierce St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Yonessia Taylor Snell01/01/197317599 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Yosef Berkowitz01/01/198317550 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Yosef Chaim Tawil01/01/198717001 Jeanette St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Yosef Emanuel Zigdon01/01/198117317 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yosef Yitzchak Tobi01/01/199317159 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yusuf M. Williams01/01/198117331 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted
Yvette Nicole White01/01/197125861 Lathrup St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Yvonne Bridges01/01/195117275 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Yvonne R. Evans01/01/195617634 E Goldwin Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Zachary Herschfus01/01/199717721 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Zack Bernard Brown01/01/194624200 Lathrup Blvd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Zahava Miriam Koch01/01/198717521 Alta Vista Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Zahava Tzofiya Zuroff01/01/199817580 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Zelda Ree Williams01/01/194825430 Southfield Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Zella R. Owens01/01/195417365 Hilton St, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Zephy Brown01/01/194425124 Sherwood Cir, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Ziv Gil Brodie01/01/199817633 Adrian Rd, Southfield, MI 48075Didn't Vote
Ziva Liora Schechet01/01/196117150 Sherfield PL, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Zlata Cohen01/01/200225721 Southwood Dr, Southfield, MI 48075Voted
Zuwena Boyd01/01/197517607 Lincoln Dr, Southfield, MI 48076Voted



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